Assalaamu'alaykum warahmatullaah,, Hi! how are you? I just hope that in any kind of condition, your heart is in a calm and happy situation. As I am (hope..) :D This note is,, mmm, not really important notes, I think. But I just have to get this thought out of my head, so.. :) This week was such amm,,, called it a gloomy one, you can say. Cause it sky was this dark grey, cry and angry to I don't know who,, and my head and my mind didn't find it nice vibe. I was,, kind a felt sad, loosing, and,, disappointed? All bad thought scrambled in my mind, and I just can not find a peace from it. And I guess, it just on of the days in my girl time, so I just have to peacefully accept it and live with it. But, maybe (this is the right answer, really),, I just being stupid for hoping too much from something that do not deserved to be hope that much. I just forgot that, Allaah swt already lined what He would give to us, and if that thing is thing that He bless for us,, then it wouldn...