Sleep it off.

Assalaamu'alaykum warahmatullaah,,

Hi!!!! (tepuk-tepuk dinding yang berdebu..:)

I'ts been along time since the last time I write something in this blog.
Naaah,, just me being too much me ^^.

I'll write about that later.
This time, I want to share about a thing that I do lately, every time I face something that intrigue me, problems, and something like that.

Actually, it's not something that I found by myself. I'ts something that a lot of people do.
But I want to share it once again, maybe it can add another plus point story of it.

Sleep it off. Have you heard of it?

These days, people seems like to share what we call as 'statues' at social media, chat-app, and another public app that allowed public to know what happen in their life. Sometimes, it can give you a positive feedback, but sometimes, it just give you another headache to deal with.

Sharing what happened in our life is a good thing, to spread happiness to the other. Sharing some problems that might give us some advice from them who might be know how to solve it is a good thing too.

But sometime, sharing to certain people (especially our problems) just to the right people is better.
I write it cause (I don't want to judge anything, actually), not every one in this world (I mean 'public') know how to solve our problems, and if they know how, it might be not suitable for us. The right people who close to us, might know better then the public.

And to learn to not share it publicly, I tried this "Sleep it off" method for a while now.
When some problems come to me, I try to keep it to my self at least three days. And as a Muslim, we can (and realllllllllyyyyy suggested :D) to talk it in our pray to Allaah. (Cause Allaah knows the best of it then anyone else :) ).

More often than not, after three days (and sometimes just after a day), I have my self realize that the problems that I faced is better to be kept to my self.

I don't say that sharing to the others is a bad thing.
I just want to say, (or write :p ), that there are things that be better to be kept on our own.

To be Slept Off.

Or to be shared to the right person.


Hope this notes find you in a good feel. I apologized if this note offended reader in a way or another. Never mean to do that, really  ^^.

See you around :D


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