It's Ok to Shed Some Tears..

 Assalaamu'alaykum warahmatullaah,

that morning,

I just turn on my phone's internet connection to reply my Prof's reply of my post. 

I remember that the night before, maybe I just too tired to give a reply or I though it didn't need any reply,,


Ya Rahmaan,,

I wish I replied to that reply.


Coz that was his last reply from him to my chat.

And I found my self, today,, miss him and regret a lot of things I wish I could do.

And I just say this to myself.

"It's ok. He was a precious person. It's ok to shed some tears and be sad. Coz he was, like, one of a kind person that I would ever met again,, Cry this moment, then stand up. Let's life, take the good things from him, and be sincere. He sure, is in the great place and wouldn't be hurt anymore."

Such a wonderful thing, to be loved by your student and colleague. 


Allahummaghfirlahu,, warhamhu, wa'afihi, wa'fu'anhu,, wa akrim nuzulahuu,, wa wasi'mad khalahu.




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