I do, i get it...

I'm 26th now.
Working on a campus, as a student :D
Before I entered this situation, being a student again, I mean,
People around me, asked.
"Why do you want to be a student again?"
"Don't you have a good job?"
"Don't you will be too old to married if you go to school again and get married after graduate?
"Don't you married first, and then go to school again after it?"
And another 'don't you' questions came.

And I just smiled. Coz, actually, I felt a little bit tired to explained about my plan to them.
To people who came with their own thought.
That, a girl, in my age, should be married, and be a good house wife, just enough with bachelor degree.

Alhamdulillah I was born in a great family that doesn't shackled by those things...

I know, I understand well that a marriage is Rasulullah's Sunnah.
Someone who doesn't like it, wouldn't counted to Rasulullah's group..
And I get so well too that marriage is not an easy thing.

It doesn't only about two people, man and woman, who in love, then married.
It needs a clear comprehension about what is marriage, what should I do with it, what I'm gonna do before, in and after marriage speech...
How I'm gonna do my life with someone who I don't ever know clearly.
How are my roles before married?
What should I do about my dreams?
How is my manner to my parents in law?
What should I do about my children next?
And another thoughts...

Some people may say that I just find apologizes for what I do,
Yes, they may say so.
It's their right.

But for me,
Married is something very special.
It's not like wearing shoes, when if one day we are bored with the shoes, we can easily throw the shoes away and buy a new one.
And yes, we shouldn't weighed against to married too.

Do I?

I just told that we have to be really ready to it.
We have to be really understand that life never gonna be the same.
Live with strangers, that a wife have to obeyed all the time (unless it's not in Allah's and Rasululllah's line..)
Our time, will not just ours no more.
And for a girl, the one that become priority gonna be her husband, not her parent anymore. Not like a husband, that his mother will always should be come first.
Truly, it's a little bit hard for me. :D
Wondering how I'm gonna make my mom become the second one..
But it will be easier if we keep close to Allah, right? ^^

I do understand about it.

Is studying again a barrier to married?
Is it wrong, if I have a dream bout my academies?
People may say that a man, most of them, are objected if their wife have a higher college degree from them.
Well,, mm.. I believe that Allah will give me the one from the fraction ^^
It's doesn't like I continued my study just to run from a marriage,,
I just don't want to be just sit and wait for a shaleh Prince come to pick me up.
Let me do something useful on it.
And it doesn't mean that i have to graduate from this second school first to get married..

To be a good mom, a woman should have a lot of knowledge, right?
Not to be an arrogant, but to be the best first school for their children.
And after married, a woman also still have their roles in their society, their family, their life...
So, i think, study again is a good courses to learn about it. :D
*these are apologizes, hehe...

Well, after all,
Everyone have their own dreams, that might doesn't lined to your dream. Could we just respect each other?
If you have dreams to be graduate, then married, have children and life happily ever after,
It's ok. I appreciate it.
We just have a different path of life.
It's ok.
We still can be a good friend, i can learn lot of things from you..
And we can share more... ^^


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